Discover the Ultimate Vr Experience With Our Badoinkvr Review

There is no denying that virtual reality has revolutionized the world of entertainment, and BadoinkVR is at the forefront of this technology. With their extensive collection of immersive adult content, they offer users a truly unforgettable experience. In this review, we will delve into the features and benefits of BadoinkVR, and why it should be your go-to destination for the ultimate VR experience.

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About Badoinkvr

  • Badoinkvr was founded in 2015 and has quickly gained popularity among those seeking an enhanced adult entertainment experience.
  • The site boasts high-quality videos with resolution options up to 8K, making it one of the highest quality VR porn sites available. If you’re interested in trying out Naughty America VR for yourself, be sure to check out this in-depth review to learn more about its features and current discounts.
  • They offer a wide variety of content, ranging from solo scenes to threesomes and everything in between.


  • Immersive experience – With virtual reality, you are transported into the scene and can feel like you’re truly part of it. Badoinkvr does an excellent job of capturing this feeling with their high-quality videos and realistic scenarios.
  • Multiple device compatibility – Whether you have an Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or even just a smartphone with Google Cardboard, Badoinkvr has you covered. They offer compatibility across multiple devices so that anyone can enjoy their content.
  • Frequent updates – One major downside of other VR porn sites is their lack of new content. But with Badoinkvr, they release new scenes every week, ensuring that there is always something fresh for their subscribers.


  • Requires VR equipment – To fully experience Badoinkvr, you will need VR equipment such as a headset and controllers. This can be an additional expense for those who don’t already own these devices.
  • Membership fees – While Badoinkvr does offer a free trial, their full membership comes at a cost. However, with the high-quality content and frequent updates, many would argue it’s worth the price.

The Competition: Wankz-vr

In the world of VR porn, there are several other notable sites. One of them being Wankz-vr, which was founded in 2016 and has been gaining traction ever since. Let’s see how they compare to Badoinkvr.

About Wankz-vr

  • Wankz-vr offers a variety of scenes from different genres like MILF, teen, and cosplay.
  • They also provide compatibility across multiple devices such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, and more.
  • The site claims to have the most authentic virtual reality porn available, with strict attention to detail and immersive experiences.


  • A wide range of content – With over 300 videos in their library, Wankz-vr offers a diverse selection of scenes that cater to various preferences. This ensures subscribers won’t get bored easily.
  • Interactive features – Wankz-vr takes interactivity to the next level by offering voice recognition and hand tracking, making the experience even more realistic.
  • Frequent releases – Similar to Badoinkvr, Wankz-vr is known for releasing new scenes every week. This keeps their content fresh and up-to-date.


  • Membership fees – Like Badoinkvr, Wankz-vr also requires a subscription fee for full access to their content. However, they do offer a free trial for those who want to test the waters first.
  • Limited compatibility – While Wankz-vr does have multiple device compatibility, some of their features are limited to certain devices. Voice recognition is only available on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

The Final Verdict

Both Badoinkvr and Wankz-vr offer high-quality VR porn experiences with unique features that set them apart from each other. Choosing between the two will depend on personal preferences and budget constraints. But one thing is for sure, virtual reality has truly taken adult entertainment to a whole new level, and these sites are leading the way in providing top-notch immersive experiences for their viewers.

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What is BadoinkVR and How Does It Work?

BadoinkVR is a virtual reality adult content platform that offers immersive and interactive experiences. Users can access the content through a VR headset and navigate through different scenarios and perspectives. The platform offers high-quality 360-degree videos and updates regularly with new content. Subscribers can also interact with their favorite performers and customize their viewing experience for a more realistic feel.

Can Anyone Use BadoinkVR Or Do I Need Specific Equipment?

BadoinkVR can be accessed on any device that is capable of running virtual reality content, such as a VR headset or smartphone. However, for the best experience, it is recommended to use a high-quality VR headset and a compatible mobile device or computer. A stable internet connection is necessary to stream the VR videos. Sometimes, the best way to fully immerse yourself in a VR porn scene is by visiting Mistress Hera’s VR Porn Mania website.

How Often are New VR Videos Released on BadoinkVR?

New VR videos are released on BadoinkVR approximately 2-3 times per week. The website offers a variety of genres and scenarios, with professional production quality and high-resolution video. Subscribers can also access past releases in the archives section. BadoinkVR prides itself on its regular updates to keep content fresh and engaging for viewers.

Is There a Free Trial Available for BadoinkVR?

Unfortunately, there is currently no free trial available for BadoinkVR. However, they do offer a 1-day trial membership for a discounted price, which allows users to experience their VR content before committing to a longer subscription. They frequently have special promotions and discounts that make trying out BadoinkVR more affordable.

Posted in VR